We've all experienced an "Invader" at some time or another. You know, that one person who gets a little too close and invades your personal space. It might be someone you know, perhaps even a friend, who happens to be a "close talker," as played out in a popular episode of Seinfeld. They just don't seem to notice they're two inches from your face. You can tell they ate garlic bread with their lunch and that their wool sweater is, in fact, scratchy due to the fact it's scratching you. However most Invaders are strangers to us; someone at the grocery store who steps right up to your cart as you're still unloading it, peering into your purse and trying to shove their own gallon of milk and toilet paper onto the conveyor belt alongside yours. By the time you get the bags reloaded into your cart and you're ready to swipe your debit card, there's the Invader, standing right in front of the machine with a 'Terminator' like stance that's not soon going to budge. I literally feel smothered, very uncomfortable. I want to come out of my skin and run away.
You inch over as best you can, shooting them a quick smirk as if to say ‘excuse me,' when all the while you're screaming inside, ‘get the hell outta my way!" You can feel them breathing down your neck as you enter your pin number. The cashier hands you the receipt and finally, you're free.
Do these people not understand the unwritten social law of personal space?
I'm sure if someone did the same to them, they would not appreciate it. I'm a firm believer that each of us "owns" the space around our bodies, at least a few feet in diameter. Is that too much space to ask?
It's just a given that no one wants to be that close to another human while trying to have a conversation or get through a line at the store. I do realize that personal space differs from culture to culture, but the instances I've experienced have been with people of my same demographic.
I have even experienced a stranger invade my personal space and then upon deciding to leave, brush against me! Now that is just uncalled for! Unless you are my boyfriend, it's safe to say that I do not want your body touching mine.
If you know someone who gets a little too close, try taking a step backward. Most will get the hint and back off. The others will just remain clueless Space Invaders.